Green tea is widely known to offer many health benefits to those who drink it or take it as a supplement. But did you know that green tea can also be very beneficial to those who suffer from acne or dry skin? In fact, it is one of organic skin care's best home remedies for acne.
It contains polyphenols that are known to help protect skin from UV rays that can cause cancer and speed up skin aging. Green tea
How Do I Use Green Tea for Clear Skin?
You can drink green tea and utilize its benefits, but you can also target its powers to certain areas, like the face, by applying it topically. There are many green tea recipes offered by home remedies bloggers. Here are two that are easy to make and still offer all of the wonderful benefits of green tea:
- Simple Green Tea MaskSteep 1 to 2 organic green tea bags
for two minutes
- Cut the bags open and, using clean fingers, massage the green tea leaves on your face
- Let the mask sit for 20 to 30 minutes
- Rinse with warm water
- Use this simple “mask” once or twice a week.
Green Tea Mask with HoneyHoney
has excellent anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties for skin.
Why not combine honey and green tea for even more acne-fighting power?
- Steep 1 to 2 organic green tea bags for two minutes
- Cut the tea bags open, allowing the tea leaves to fall out
- Mix in 1 to 2 tablespoons of organic honey to form a paste
- Massage the paste over the entire face, avoiding the eye area.
- Let the mask sit for 20 to 30 minutes
- Rinse with warm water
- It is safe to use this effective green tea mask once or twice a week.
There are many options when it comes to organic skin care. All you need for a green tea mask is green tea, though there are many variations to combine other skin-benefiting items, such as honey for example. Green tea has wonderful cancer fighting and skin renewing properties, with no side effects, which makes it a great option for anyone who suffers from acne or simply wants healthier, glowing skin.
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