100% lavender oil smells pretty good, I must say. It's kind of strong, but when used in moderation, I find it pretty tolerable. This is a good thing because I decided to use it as my facial acne remedy! It was practically a 2-for-1 deal: a promising cure for my acne as well as the perfect oil for aromatherapy. But, I digress.
I decided to try using lavender oil as in hopes that it might be the perfect acne remedy because my mom was on an essential oil kick and was pretty convinced that this type of oil would be my saving grace (she also said the same thing about tea tree oil, but I'll save that story for another time). Initially, I was very skeptical. My mom has suggested that I try various at-home remedies for my acne and hyperpigmentation many times before, but her ideas typically didn't work. Still, I figured, mom knows best, right? Might as well give it a try.

Before I slap anything on my skin, especially my face, however, I must do my research. Here are the things that lavender oil claims to be the solution for:
Preventing bacteria from spreading across your face, therefore, discouraging the growth of acne/infections from ruptured acne.
Gets skin to heal faster.
Reduces inflammation, making the skin appear more even in tone.
Blood flow increases so more oxygen is brought to the skin, increasing cell turnover.
Once again, I'm led to believe that there is a product out there that can help my skin tone even out and develop a nice glow. Earning my stamp of approval, I gave it a go.
Because I've never used an essential oil before, I decided to dilute it a bit with some coconut oil in the hopes that the mixture will prevent any possible irritation. I, then, spread a thin layer of the mixture on my face and neck every night after I washed my face.

Lavender oil is definitely one of the slower products that I've used. It took some persistence (much longer than the time it takes for cells to turn over) before I actually began to notice that my acne had begun to calm down a bit. My breakouts occurred less frequently, although the deeper acne was not affected and remained stagnant (as they already were prior to my use of the oil). In terms of my skin tone evening out, that also took a while before I noticed a change. The change was not drastic nor was it consistent across my face, but I did take note that some of my dark spots from prior acne mishaps were beginning to fade, though just barely.
Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of lavender oil. It took way too long to work – I know, I know, beauty takes time – but, I've used products that worked much faster. Reflecting on my experience, however, this may just be because I diluted the oil. If I one day go back to using lavender oil, I'd probably just use it directly on my skin.
Ultimately, lavender oil did work. It's just not the remedy I'm looking for.
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